Advertising has become more fierce, now corporate are directly using other brand names to show that they are better. In a recent ad we can see Pepsodent claiming to be better than Colgate.
But sometimes, advertisement goes so intense that brands do everything possible to stay on top.
Famous Advertisement war between BMW and AUDI – who nailed it
The most famous one is of between BMW and AUDI, where through billboards they have tried to show who is on top.
For promoting its 35th MOA Rally (Chess Tournament) BMW has released an Ad Campaign.
And then the Advertisement war was has started from California when Audi placed a huge billboard for new Audi A4 with the caption “Chess? No Thanks I’d rather be driving.”
Very soon AUDI has changed the billboard with a teaser message, directly pointing to BMW. The Billboard contains the picture of AUDI A4 and message was “your move BMW”.

BMW has immediately placed a hoarding just next side of the road, which was 3 times the size of AUDI Billboard. The message was “Checkmate”. They have featured 3 series BMW in the billboard.
Audi sooner placed a same size Billboard on the same side, where BMW has placed the billboard, which features R8. And the message was loud and clear “Your pawn is no match for our king”.
Lastly BMW has placed a blimp tethered on the AUDI R8 billboard and the message was “Game Over”. The board features its F1 car.

AUDI has immediately placed a new billboard someplace else on reply to this which said that “Time to check your luxury badge”.
This doesn’t end here. BMW has gone more wild in terms of exploring advertising opportunities and placed a huge billboard stretched along the city at Moscow. Plus they placed their cars in the billboard and not just the cars but whole “M” range cars.
And when everyone thought that it has ended, BMW comes up with a new strategy and placed a billboard, which congratulates AUDI for Winning South African Car of the Year 2006 award. Of course it was sarcastically done.

This time AUDI replied very soon with same sort of message.

Suddenly out of no where Subaru came into picture and congratulate both sarcastically.

It becomes a trend and sooner the latest entry by another rival car almost steal the show
But final message was from Bentley which actually steal the show, featuring its Chairman picture.