Shoot Out For Gender Equality In Today’s Scenario

Shoot Out For Gender Equality In Today’s Scenario the Gender equality in the 21st century isn’t a clingy topic. But eventually, it seems like we are not living in the 21st century.

Women have played an extremely vital role in the development of an individual.  To a nation on an elevated framework though ended up paying a hefty price in the form of their individuality and Equality.

The depth of women’s respect and dignity is mentioned in all ancient stories . Related to the incarnation of Hindu Gods and their prominent followers. We can also find the same in other religious beliefs prevailing in this world. Though the irony of the situation is the condition of women has deteriorated. In the last few decades at an alarming rate. When it comes to equal opportunities and rights in all walks of life.

Gender equality in historical scenario

In Vedic India, for ages women in a consortium of Hindu Religion. They have been provided enough space for their safety, health, education, home, and wealth. Which have declined since the time has changed towards a new era in the last several hundred years.

The priestly people are also known as brahmins. Who used to provide enough Religious knowledge to the women and their families. To have culture and religion being propagated to all sections of the society in more adequate ways.

The Kshatriyas, (also called Rajanyas, who were rulers, administrators, and warriors) used to provide fight skills. Giving training to their women, to make them strong enough. To protect themselves and their families in their hour of need.

The Vaishyas (artisans, merchants, tradesmen, and farmers) were used to teach. The women of their families learn about trade tactics, farming techniques, and art. To assist them in their daily business activities.

Finally, the Shudras (laboring classes), are used to make sure their women have adequate skills to help them in their work and earn more livelihoods for their families.

Praying and burring the same is all about gender

In INDIA, we use to worship Vedic-era Gods in the form of “ARDHNARESHWARA”, which is none other than the Supreme Lord of this Universe and a perfect combination of SHIVA & SHAKTI.

the same Shakti is being deprived of her basic rights of equality in the daily routines of our lives. It just shows the hypocrisy of society.

For sustaining the future just ending discrimination isn’t enough. It is crucial to follow the leads. Empowering girls and women will help in the economic growth of the nation at par.

Celebrating national women’s equality day. Are we in this together?

This is a matter of grave concern for our Nation and should not only be reminded on 26th Aug, being a National Women Equality Day” for a reason thereof. According to data, we have seen remarkable progress in the past twenty years. Now more girls are going to schools and colleges as compared to a decade back.

In India, UN Women works closely with the Government of India and civil society to set national standards for achieving gender equality.

The priority is also to make adequate arrangements to stop violence against women be it domestic, social, or of any sort with a prime motive to provide them security and equal freedom.

Helping the hands of the government, we are in the 21st century though

The Government has contributed a lot and has provided enough support for such activities under the control and flagships of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.

The government needs to put the people first and work according to their well-being.

Many of the Government’s flagship programs such as Swachh Bharat, Make in India, Skill India, and Digital India are at the core of the SDGs. State and local governments play a pivotal role in many of these programs.

The policies showcasing and saving women

“Mahila police volunteers” “National Mission for Empowerment of Women (NMEW)”, “Pradhan Mantri Mahila Shakti Kendra scheme”, “Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK)”, “NAND-GHAR YOJANA”, “Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana”, “Maternity Benefit Program”, “Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana”, “eSamvad portal”, “Nari Web Portal”, “She-Box Portal” Beti Bachao Beti Parahao”, “Poshan Abhiyaan”, “One Stop Centre Scheme”, “Women helpline scheme”, “Working Women’s Hostel (WWH)”, “SWADHAR Greh Scheme”, “Pradhan Mantri Mantri Vandana Yojana”, “Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme”, “Mahila e-Haat, and “New Draft National Policy” these yojanas of the government of India have turned the face of women.

These schemes have already impacted several lives positively wherein they have no way to look for help as per dire situations in their personal as well as professional lives.

Women generally have a natural wisdom and deep intellectual thought process of investing in their families, society, and nature way far ahead than a man can do.

Women society of so called equality

There have been decades when women trail behind men in forms of economic and social freedom, ownership rights, access to resources, and opportunities though several pieces of evidence in today’s world have shown, that giving equal opportunities for their growth has led to a better society and world for a living.

Well, now women are not to be kept inside closed doors. Saying India was a golden bird isn’t enough. Women showcasing their talent in every field. From flying to fighter planes, from cooking to being a business leader.

They have their wings everywhere. None of the sectors is untouched by them. Support of the government is indeed a perk for becoming independent. Post covid many women started their self-work and now leading companies. Holding brands and becoming one.

Women are taking over in a mass. It’s not just empowerment. It also showcases their independence and standing on their feet.

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